Conrad Shipyard is proud to announce that the company’s latest flagship ACE was voted Best Motor Yacht between 40M - 60M and Best Global Project 2023 at the International Yacht & (...)
This is a special award in the Maritime Technology Leader category. The CRIST Shipyard, as the only one in the Baltic Sea region, built a series of jack-up self-elevating ships for the (...)
The VILHELM THORSTEINSSON trawler/seiner is 88.2 meters long, 16.6 meters wide and has a maximum draft of 9.6 meters. The ship will be powered by two Rolls-Royce engines with a (...)
An International Conference on Post Graduates were co-organised by the Polish Maritime Technology Forum which rendered webinar platform and technical support. Now all the papers are available on the RINA (...)
Paraphrasing the song’s lyric: There is a time when we hear a certain call and the World has to keep a social distance. There were people trying to organise for (...)
International Conference on Postgraduate Research in the field of Maritime Technology, Gdynia, 22 April 2020, at 9.00 – 15.45 (GMT+2), organised by The Polish Society of Naval Architect and Marine (...)
Despite all current obstacles SAFE shipyard launched on Tuesday March 17, a "Multicat 2712" type vessel for a Dutch owner. The next launching is in 2 days from now. This (...)
Due to Covid-19 epidemic Polish Ministry of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation informs on a procedure for ship entering Polish yard for a repair. The procedure remains the same as (...)
To enforce level playing field in shipbuilding. There are no effective international trade tools for the shipbuilding industry to address the problem of overcapacity and its root cause (i.e. market-distorting (...)