Jubilee Business Meeting – Kaczka Golf Cup

13 October 2022

This is the fifth edition of the maritime industry event. We invite players who will take part in the main tournament, as well as golf adepts to learn the basics at the academy.

The 5th edition of the Kaczka Golf Cup is an opportunity for direct meetings and talks outdoors in a pleasant atmosphere. It is also an opportunity to invite your guests.

The main partner of the tournament is Polska Żegluga Bałtycka SA.

The partners are: Grupa Rubo, Exito Broker Sp. z o.o., Polskie Linie Oceaniczne SA, Port of Gdansk board, Safe Co. Ltd Sp. z o.o., An-Elec Sp. z o.o., Roxtec Poland Sp. z o. o., Stocznia Remontowa Nauta and TKF.

The Honorary Patronage was taken by the Polish Maritime Technology Forum.

The application form is available here.